About Us



Please visit www.thesavir.org for all inquiries. 

SAVIR's Mission

The Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury research (SAVIR) is a professional organization that provides leadership and fosters excellence in the science of violence and injury prevention and care.

SAVIR's Purposes

  • Promote collective, educational and scholarly activity among its members in developing the field of injury prevention and control research, policy and program development, teaching, and other activities that synthesize expertise from multiple disciplines, in creating a body of expertise that is greater than the sum of contributions from individual scholars or centers.
  • Work collaboratively with practitioners and policymakers to bridge research, practice, and policy efforts in order to facilitate improvements in injury prevention and control policies and programs.
  • Provide a resource to other researchers, practitioners and decision makers in accessing expertise in the development of research, program and policy activities.
  • Sustain a focus on teaching and mentoring the next generation of injury researchers and practitioners through promoting and improving educational opportunities in appropriate disciplines.
  • Promote rigorous evaluation of injury prevention and control initiatives through development and dissemination of improved methodologies for program implementation and evaluation.
  • Maintain active liaisons with other organizations, institutions, and agencies whose purposes and functions are similar.
  • Advocate for improved resources for injury prevention and control research and related activities;
  • Advance global injury prevention and response by partnering with injury researchers in developing and developed countries